Autour de Bourdelle Research Blog

This research blog aims to raise awareness of the ongoing research relating to the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle (1861-1929): his body of work, his teaching, his students, his links with other artists of his time, and how he is viewed around the world.
The blog is regularly updated with articles written by researchers or the Museum team, to create a space for reflection and debate about the artist.
Articles are written in the contributor's native language, with a summary in French or English.
The blog is published on OpenEdition Hypotheses, a platform for sharing academic humanities and social sciences blogs.

Read the latest posts:

La Reine de Saba illustrée par Bourdelle by Margaux Wymbs
Hilda Ainscough, élève de Bourdelle : une artiste oubliée aux multiples facettes by Georgina G. Gluzman
L’œuvre d’Antoine Bourdelle, “testament spirituel” de l’artiste by Alexandra Jouanneau
Maillol - Bourdelle : décryptage d'une relation by Antoinette Le Normand Romain

Anonyme, "Bourdelle et des élèves modelant dans son atelier", vers 1910-1919
Anonymous, "Bourdelle and students modeling in his workshop", circa 1910-1919 (MBPH2467)
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