Past exhibition
Claude Rutault
Du au
Full rate : 4,50 €
Reduced rate : 3,00 €
Under 26 rate : 2,20 €
Free under 14 years old

The Canvas and the Archer
With the exhibition Luciano Fabro, Convivio, opened in June 2004, the Musée Bourdelle inaugurated a series of invitations to contemporary artists of various sensibilities, designed to encourage the public to discover the studio museum and to have a new look at the work of Bourdelle.
In the museum entrance, the visitor was greeted by a series of unpainted canvases, supported by Bourdelle’s most famous sculpture, Héraklès archer (Hercules the Archer). The visitor was then invited to walk among white and coloured canvases arranged on the floor, which acted as reference points as well as obstacles, a variation on Rutault’s définition/methode 258: monochromes V (1994).

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